Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Today I was told that one of my previous students ran over another of my previous students four times in the local mall parking lot. Who are these people? I couldn't believe it. The two people involved were the last two individuals you would ever suspect would become a crime drama/soap opera. This is too sad. I don't know if the one who was run over will live. All I can do is pray for them. Things like this are part of the most bizarre aspect of teaching. Everybody who makes the evening news, victim or assailant, was once some teacher's student.


  1. How bizarre. One of our renters, a soft spoken, gentle, neat, quite woman, a pediactric nurse, just came over recently and told us a soap opera tale regarding her housemate/boyfriend that about belw our eyebrows off, we raised them so. At the end, I'm not sure how she expected us to react - it was out of the realm of normal and acceptable.

    You know, I think that same thing, when someone does something despicable or worse, that once they were just a tiny, precious, innocent baby in a crib. What happened?

  2. I guess there are soap opera around every corner, but so many of my kids are so young to have so much drama in their lives, and while I know there are killers much younger than my students, I have a hard time believing the seeds of that can be present in my room.

    I wish I knew what happens. I wish somebody somewhere had that wisdom, so maybe we could begin to create some sort of solution as a society. Every time I think of my big burly student lying broken in a hospital bed, I just want to cry, for him, for the one who did it to him, and for all the others connected to the whole sordid affair.


And then you said.....