Monday, September 24, 2007


Today I went to our local mall to pick up a couple of pairs of pants from my favorite store. I'm very hard to fit being a big girl and tall with it, but I have always been able to walk into this store and pull jeans off the shelf without even trying them on. They just fit.

When I walked over to where the jeans have always been, a shelf of different denim faced me. They'd come up with a clever new sizing method and three different cuts. I stood at the end of a long Monday absolutely befuddled.

A saleswoman had to measure me, always fun, and then she recommended a size that turned out to be three sizes too small. I wanted to sit in the floor and cry.

It's hard to explain why it made me so upset. I guess it goes back to always having had a hard time finding clothes. I had come to rely on those jeans being available and, well, easy. Too many things right now are up in the air and changing. I needed the simple comfort of plain old denim, and suddenly even that trivial constant had disappeared.

The saleslady took pity on me and kept bringing in pairs until I found one that fit right. They do feel good, and they look nice on me. I guess this change isn't all bad. I just hope everything else settles down with such a nice resolution.

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And then you said.....