Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Today was just plain stupid. It was Wednesday and a short day for us, so I was looking forward to a day of poetry and then an afternoon of staff development. Okay, so I wasn't really looking forward to the staff development, but you know what I mean.

The A/C never came on this morning, so it got nice and toasty in my east-facing classroom. I think it got up to about 80 before a measly trickle of cold air started to ooze from the air vents. This is not all that unusual, but it was just another annoyance today.

Yesterday, my students noticed that the sugar ants had started coming into my classroom. They do that about twice a year, and usually maintenance comes and sprays quickly. Today, ants were everywhere. Second period they were crawling all over backpacks and students. Suddenly, one of my AP students jumped up and said she'd been bitten. Guess what, boys and girls? The sugar ants brought in fire ants today, too. CRAP. We shuffled everybody out of the corner, and I sent another desperate plea downstairs for SOMEBODY to come kill the ants.

During 3rd period, the students near my desk noticed a crackling noise and the smell of burning electrical conduit. I dove under my desk, my students were freaking out, and I unplugged a surge strip that apparently had had its last hurrah. There was no fire, but there's nothing like the possibility of electrical fire to get you moving in the morning. My clothing was covered with dust and nasty from crawling around on the floor.

Around lunch, the day got better. Everything settled down, and while the air refused to come on, I was able to open the door to the glacially-cool hall and steal some of the air by using a box fan to channel it in during my off period. I finally found a way to plug most of the electronic equipment back in, and our kind custodian came and sprayed the ants.

I have to say that I was grateful when everything finally became what passes for normal at Podunk High again. I was starting to look for the frogs and the boils to come next.... Maybe that's being saved for tomorrow.

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And then you said.....