Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Well, Now You've Just Pissed Me Off....

The Land Mass thing is everywhere on the web right now.  Some of it is amusing.  One bit of it, though, pushed the big red button.  Fasten a seatbelt and enjoy the ride.

A comment on a friend's FB status about the Land Mass read, "Why SHOULD Mississippi be considered a state?  What has it ever given the US?  LOL"  I started to respond there, but I decided I needed more space than I had and also that I didn't want to scream at the top of my FB lungs.  Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.  Are you really that ignorant?

Oh sure, we here in-state gently and not-so-gently mock ourselves, but we know very well that not everything that comes out of here is bad.  While it's okay if we are laughing at ourselves, it's not okay for somebody from the outside to point fingers and make accusations.  It's not that we don't have problems; heaven knows we do.  It's that it's just RUDE, honey.  We may have all kinds of issues, neuroses, and battles, but at least we know not to point fingers.

What then has Mississippi given the US?  Here's the short list:

  • Musicians - Marty Stewart, B.B. King, Howlin Wolf, Muddy Waters, Jimmie Rogers, Charley Pride, ELVIS, Jimmy Buffett, Robert Johnson, the entire band 3 Doors Down, Leontyne Price, Faith Hill, 
  • Writers - William Faulkner, John Grisham, Eudora Welty, Richard Wright, Natasha Trethewey, Tennessee Williams, Walker Percy, Nevada Barr, Greg Iles, Thomas Harris, Anne Moody, (and I'll just STOP here.  there are too freaking many.)
  • Entertainers - Jim Henson, Sela Ward, James and Robert Earl Jones, Morgan Freeman, Oprah Winfrey, Diane Ladd
  • Athletes - Walter Payton, assorted Mannings, Oil Can Boyd, Brett Favre, and so many others there is just a separate list of them available online
  • Art - George Ohr, Walter Inglis Anderson
  • Creators - Hartley Peavey, James Hardy, Haller Nutt
There are more.  So many, many more.  Check the PAGES of stuff on Wikipedia for what Mississippi has given to the rest of the country.  Then, if you please, fold your stupid comment in four corners and insert it somewhere where it might remind you not to be so much of what you are next time.

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And then you said.....