Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Up and Down

It's been a day of mixed feelings.  I woke up with my throat sore and a general sense of ickishness. I stood morning duty, always a joy, and came in to start my day as best I could.  I made a pot of tea and drank it.  Tea always helps me feel better when this stuff comes on, soothes my throat and warms me from within.  I ate about a million hard cinnamon disks.

Then, after first period, two of my students showed up at my door.  Apparently, they had composed an ode in their creative writing class.  It was about me.  It just made my day.  This year, the students are so sweet.  They seem interested in their teachers, their school, and each other.  It's refreshing.  I like that they feel connected enough to all their teachers that they use us as the fodder of their projects.  That the things they say are usually kind things is even better.

I got to hear a colleague get an award today.  I was so happy for her.  Too often, the things my fellow teachers do go unnoticed.  I know she works extra hard for all her students, so to see that recognized was very satisfying.

By the end of third block, though, I was feeling very bad.  I stayed about halfway through fourth and then I went to see my administrator to request early leave.  He let me come home, and I was medicated and asleep by four.  I got up only when my mother came by to check on me and drop off some soup.

As I ate, I fell back to my comfort resources, Downton Abbey and the afghan my grandmother made for me.  I have no idea why I always want to watch Downton when I feel like crap, but there is something about it that soothes me.

I got online to see what was happening in the universe while I watched, and I found that Punch Brothers are releasing a new mini-EP in November, available for pre-order now.  On it is the version of "Another New World" I saw on YouTube.  I am so happy about that.  "Another New World" is one of my favorite songs from Josh Ritter.  It always, always reminds me of Robert Walton in Frankenstein.  Thile's version of it is fantastic.  It never ceased to amaze me how a good song performed by two different excellent artists can come out two kinds of great.  I love that.  There is also, apparently, a version of a Gillian Welch song on this new thing from her latest effort, and that, too, is a thing that makes me happy.  I wish all these people would get together for one giant recording.  Then, even if this crap I have now kills me, I guess I could die happy.  (ha)

Now I'm about to walk my dogs, take more medicine, and go back to bed.  I don't know if I will be able to do school tomorrow or not.  I guess only time and Nyquil can tell.  Regardless, I have one new song now from Chris Thile and a couple of really good things from the day to counterbalance, so I'm not very bad off, right?  (that's my story, and I'm sticking to it...)

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