Thursday, December 31, 2009

Getting Ready for 2010

I'm using the big laptop to blog this tonight, and I've forgotten what it's like to do stuff on a screen other than my little netbook.  It's sort of odd to be able to see everything so large...

Anyway, I'm trying to finish up the cleaning and preparations for the new year.  I got the tree down and out, packed away my Santas and nativities, and the only things that are left are to vacuum (that most hated of chores) and to run a couple of loads of laundry.  I want to meet the new year with everything tidy. 

It's hard to believe that this will be 2010.  It seems only yesterday that everyone was freaking out over Y2K and the potential end of everything.  It is, indeed, unreal that ten years could possibly have passed this fast.  What have I been doing?  Is it a good sign that it has gone in such a rush or not?

In this past ten years, I have been in Bloomington and Toyohashi, I've been abroad and home. I've been in Japan, Ireland, England, Wales, and Thailand.  I've been through some very frightening medical situations and two major surgeries.  I've taught at three different schools.  I've bought a car, acquired a mortgage, and started retirement savings and life insurance accruing.  It's been a busy ten years.

I can't imagine what the next ten years will bring.  I could never have dreamed all the things, good and bad, that were the fruit of the last ten. 

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And then you said.....