Monday, December 28, 2009

Girls' Day Out

I got to go out to lunch with one of my oldest and best friends.  Our mutual lives and schedules keep up from seeing each other except in passing, so it was wonderful to have a day to go and do.  We went to a Japanese restaurant in town I hadn't been to before, and the food was wonderful.  They actually have some of my favorites on their menu, and I got to have tonkatsu and green tea ice cream today.  I didn't do the whole sushi thing today, but their sushi looked good, too.  I have a feeling I'll be spending more time there in the future, for the green tea ice cream, if nothing else.  I could have made a meal of it.  I get absolute cravings for it....

My friend and I wandered around T.J. Maxx (one of the world's most dangerous stores) and then came on home.  More than anything, we caught up and talked.  I have missed so much just being able to spend time with her, hear her point of view on things, hear what's going on in her world.  It's not that we live that far away from each other, even; it's just that things have gotten so incredibly complex that finding the time to get away and do something has gotten almost impossible.

I hope she and I will have time to do this more often.  Even if we don't go have a fancy girls' day out, we need to see each other more than we do.  I hope I can find a way to make it happen.

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And then you said.....