Sunday, March 18, 2012

Claddagh Again

"The Claddagh's distinctive design features two hands clasping a heart, and usually surmounted by a crown. The elements of this symbol are often said to correspond to the qualities of love (the heart), friendship (the hands), and loyalty (the crown).

The way that a Claddagh ring is worn on the hand is usually intended to convey the wearer's romantic availability, or lack thereof.

Traditionally, if the ring is on the right hand with the heart facing outward and away from the body, this indicates that the person wearing the ring is not in any serious relationship, and may in fact be single and looking for a relationship: "their heart is open."  

When worn on the right hand but with the heart facing inward toward the body, this indicates the person wearing the ring is in a relationship, or that "someone has captured their heart".   

A Claddagh worn on the left hand ring finger facing outward away from the body generally indicates that the wearer is engaged.

When the ring is on the left hand ring finger and facing inward toward the body, it generally means that the person wearing the ring is married." ~ from

One of the main things I wanted to be sure to get while I was in Ireland was a Claddagh ring to replace the one I had bought last time that had gotten damaged to the point of being unwearable.  Really, that was such a metaphor for so many things in my life since that last trip...

The article I posted here kind of makes the Claddagh sound like a dating ring, a "hey, I'm single" or a "no, I'm not" sign.  I didn't want it for that reason.  (Although, as you can see from the picture above, I do have mine on in the correct manner.  Yeah.  That is mine and my "dainty little hand.")

I wanted the Claddagh for the same reasons I wanted it before.  Symbolism is in almost every piece of jewelry I buy, and I don't think you could ask for much more symbolism in a piece than there is in this one.  It's also symbolism I believe in.  Love, loyalty, and friendship.  This is what I'm looking for, and until I can find it all in one package, my ring will very much stay crown-down on my right hand, thank you very much.

This ring is heavier and simpler than the one I bought before, more durable, less likely to be damaged and lost.  That's as it should be.  Life is rough, and I'm not careful with my hands.  Let all my symbols be strong ones.

I'm happy to be able to look back down at my fingers and see that silver heart and crown again.  It is something that probably doesn't mean anything to anybody else, but it means something to me.  I can carry memories of Ireland with it and hope for the future that I will someday be able to find the person who will fit the three parts of its meaning, too.  Not bad for a bit of metal molded into a circle.  Not bad at all.  Symbols have all the power we're willing to give them, for good or for ill.  This one, then, for me is powerfully rich and positive. Spero, indeed.

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And then you said.....