Tuesday, March 06, 2012

(freaking) Packing

Is it wrong that I no longer even care what is in my suitcase?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.  I know.  I'll care lots and lots tomorrow....

Today was the longest day EVER.  I got up at the usual time (or ten minutes after the usual time, truth be told), and I haven't stopped running since.  I have produced two letters of recommendation, graded three whole sets of bonus projects, issued makeup work, refrained from destroying those who blithely danced a jig on my last good nerve, possibly imparted something useful to my classes, made a Wal-Mart and a bank run after-hours, activated international services on the bank and the cellphone so I don't get stranded with them as I have done on previous trips through my own forgetfulness that they DON'T just work when you take them to other places, did laundry after stripping off what I was wearing into the machine because it needed to go into the suitcase later tonight (sigh), and pulled out the suitcases to start the process of actually putting crap into them.

I just sat down a minute now because, basically, if I don't, I think I'm going to vaporize and blow away.  Even the dogs have stopped following me around.  They're just lying in the floor looking at me like, "Stop it.  Really.  Now.  You're making us tired."  This is from a Pit and a Pyrenees who run in circles until they drop.

Tomorrow, it will all be worth it.  Tomorrow, also, I will get to sleep for 12 hours on a plane in something like a seated position after I make human origami out of myself.  And I'm sure that whatever makes it into my suitcase, as long as my camera and at least one change of clothing are some of those things, will be sufficient unto the trip at hand.....

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And then you said.....