Sunday, March 25, 2012

Keeping or Cutting Loose

It's hard to let go of something you know you should when part of you wants to keep it.  Which part of that internal struggle should win?  Do you go with the little voice that tells you to cut your losses and get out before some melodrama filled with ridiculous words occurs, or do you listen to the part of you that insists that if it continues to bother you, then something remains worth salvaging?

Be damned if I know.

I just don't want to do this or feel this or think this at all.  It is so much easier to let it all fade into nothing, mist before the morning sun, something that wasn't strong enough to last, after all.  Everything has a natural lifespan, and when it is done, then it is time for it to die.  Human relationships are no exception.  Right?


Because I won't be the one holding on this time, the last one to leave the party. I just can't be.  I think instead, just for once, just for the sheer novelty of it, I'll go ahead and collect my coat, make my polite apologies and thank the host for a grand evening, get out ahead of the crowd.

And if I keep telling myself it's the smart thing to do long enough, maybe I'll even believe it.

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And then you said.....