Friday, August 04, 2006

The First Day

I woke up extra early this morning and was ready to go in record time. When I went out to drive to work, the check engine light came on. So much for leaving really early. I wound up driving my mother's minivan to work, and she took my Cruiser to the dealership later in her day to see what was going on.

When I finally got to school, I was oddly calm. I didn't have any of the first-of-school butterflies that I usually have. I don't know why. I was ready to go, not because I have everything ready or all my lesson plans done, but because of some other inexplicable reason.

The kids were in uniforms this year. They looked great. They looked unified, and although I know that surface is illusory, I hope it will help to unify them in some way. While I don't believe those uniforms are a panacea, I do know that the students carried themselves differently in the halls. I can't explain it.

The day passed with unbelievable speed. I hope they all go that fast. I think my AP classes are going to be pretty lively, and my regulars are going to be a lot of fun, a handful, but a lot of fun. We're going to need to have a "Come to Jesus" moment, but once we get all of that out of the way, we should have a good year.

Once classes were over, I was exhausted. My voice is strained, and I'm physically wiped out. I'm not in "fighting shape" yet. In about a week, my throat will be used to projecting again, and walking around the room all day and standing for lecture won't be such a big deal. Today, I was really happy when lunch came so I could sit down. I don't think I sat down more than a moment between 7:40 and 11:20, and then not again until 1:20.

After school I went to the dealership to swap vehicles with Mom, and to find out what the verdict was with my car. It was another one of those ghost phenomenon, and I got to take it home with no major repairs made. I cooked the previously mentioned steak, ate half of it (it was REALLY big) and am currently vegging out in front of the TV watching Dog Whisperer. It's a nice way to wind down after the long week of hectic preparation, endless and depressing meetings, and today's manic pace.

My optimism about the year persists. I hope the promise of today is fulfilled by the remainder of the year. Monday, the new will have worn off, and we'll see how we go.

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And then you said.....