Sunday, August 20, 2006


Tonight our church had a time of testimony instead of a regular service. We don't do that very often, and when we do, sometimes few people want to speak. Tonight, though, many people stood and spoke about what God has done or is doing in their lives. As I listened, I reflected on the people God has put in my life who have helped me to become the person I am. My grandmothers, my music teacher, and the women of the church whom I've known all my life have all left their marks on the woman I've become.

My grandmothers were very different women, but both of them were women who taught me many things. I learned to cook chicken, homemade macaroni and cheese, and cornbread, to make things for my house with my hands, to love my family, and to love God from them. They taught me that marriage is a life-long commitment that comes with sweet and sour, that giving up is not an option no matter what the odds are, and that it is possible to have grace and peace even in the face of a horrible illness like cancer. I have physical things that I inherited, a cookie jar, some jewelry, my house, but the most valuable things they gave me are the things I carry within me everyday.

My music teacher was almost another grandmother to me. She taught me to love music, and even though she could never get me to practice as much I should, that love has stayed with me long after she passed away. She taught me the value of doing things the right way, and even though I often play for Sunday night church wearing jeans, I still feel guilty about not wearing a dress and heels. She taught me that music and the playing of music is service to the Lord, and even though I'll never be as good a musician as she, I always feel her with me when I play.

The women of my church have taught me many different lessons. I've learned how to be a gracious hostess, even with little to share, how to take care of my neighbors in their times of need, and how to follow God, even through the darkest times. These are the women who hold our small community together. They are always ready to pitch in during the inevitable times when life falls apart.

I've been so lucky to have these women in my life. Their examples helped me learn who I need to be. I don't know that I will ever be able to be that kind of example to another person, but I hope I always live in such a way that does honor to the heritage I have received.

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And then you said.....