Saturday, September 12, 2009

Old Arguments

I heard the old When Harry Met Sally argument revived the other day that men and women can't be just friends, that there always had to be more going on than this between them. I hear this all the time, but I don't think it's true. I wonder where it even started.

I've had lots and lots of male friends who were just friends. When I think of it, I would say that some of my very best friends have been guys, and as far as I know, neither of us in the friendship were pining away with love or desire. (Of course, there were one or two cases where things did go completely to crap, but....)

Now it may well be true that friendships between the genders are different somehow than the ones forged between members of ones own gender. I am more comfortable telling my guy friends some kinds of things and my girl friends others. My guy friends tend to share my geek streak more than my girl friends do. I've held on to most of my girl friends over the years, and while I still think highly of those guys, I don't see them much anymore now that we're all rotating into the "family years."

I just refuse to believe that you can't have a guy friend, that the relationship is always somehow doomed. I have always rejected that. I have to rely on my own past experience here and say that premise is a false one. I may be an oblivious, cerebral, and detached Aquarius who frequently has to have certain elephants in the room pointed out to her, but I think I would have noticed if they were dying for love of me, surely....

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And then you said.....