Monday, September 21, 2009


I'm sitting in the middle of a room full of windows on the second floor of a building in the midst of a fairly impressive thunderstorm hoping I don't get struck by lightning. This is not what I'd call a position of confidence.

Bad weather doesn't, as a rule, scare me, but the other day, I was in this same place and lightning kicked up sparks from some unknown object in the corner, so I'm a little wary. I moved a few things, metal odds and ends I was just stupid to have put so close to the windows, and I think I took care of the lightning rod effect which may actually have just been built-up static electricity rather than a direct strike, but still...

I know I need to recharge my batteries, but I don't think I mean that literally. Let's hope that changing this space around wasn't a huge, electrifying mistake on my part.

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And then you said.....