Friday, September 23, 2011

Spread a Bit Thin

No posting here lately because I've been taking care of writing in other places.  (Now some of you just got excited by that, but don't.  No.  No new updates. I still haven't had time for THAT.  Maybe soon, though. I know.  I know.)  I've been tending Shelfari like a mad person and grading papers, writing course syllabi that turned out to be largely useless, things like that.  It's taken my time and my focus.  When I've come home, I haven't felt as though I've had much of use to say.

There's not much new or exciting with me right now.  What there is that's new, I can't really discuss.  (Doesn't all this make for a fascinating post?  Whoo-whoo.)

The only thing I can really say that's interesting right now is the new book I'm reading:  Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami.  I read Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by him several months ago, and it was amazing, totally surreal in the best possible sense.  I decided to give NW a go after seeing it described with such glowing reviews and comparisons to Gatsby, Catcher, and other classics I loved.  WBC was NOTHING like those, so I wondered how different the style was and how an author could swing such a massive change.  It's fantastic.  I am seeing little threads of that weirdness that is just a foundational part of Japanese culture creeping in, but the storyline is quite good, and I've already been highlighting like mad (it's on my Kindle),always a mark of enjoyment for me.

It's giving me creepy dreams though.  Bits of Japan show up here in Chunky, or I'm walking through the streets of Japan and odd things happen.  It's not comfortable.  Last night, stuff from some music I was listening to before I went to bed got frapped in with all of it, and I don't know what the hell all happened.  Not.  Good.  I think I am going to have to be more careful about what I take in right before I sleep.  At least I'm dreaming again, though, I guess....

Speaking of Japan, that takes me back to an earlier post I did about wearing that little smile as my little mask for my real emotions.  Never have I done that so much as I have in the past few days.  I will probably need it more today than I ever have before.  Be interesting to see if today's the day it cracks and falls to the floor to reveal that other Noh mask, the one with the horns and the teeth (and yeah, I know that's supposed to represent jealousy, but you know what I mean...) instead.

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