Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Elvis Special

Today on my way in to school, I saw something that made me laugh.  I was stuck behind a slow-moving SUV blocking the passing lane, and as I was mentally shoving it along, I happened to notice its tag.  Apparently, the state of Mississippi now offers an Elvis license plate.  It was pretty awesome.  I'm sort of going to have to have one.

At school, we ordered lunch from a downtown restaurant, and I finally got to have their "Elvis Special," a fried peanut butter and banana sandwich.  That may be one of the best things I've ever had.  Ever.  It totally made my day.  I could eat another one right now.  I think it had honey on it, too.  Everything is better with honey on it, though, right?

And I really needed all that honey and Elvis, truth be told, because the rest of the day was made of mostly pure suck.  Right now, it's like the universe has a backlog of suck it's got to ship somewhere, and so it's just slinging it my way as fast as it can box it up and get it out the door.  I'm trying to keep my little smile firmly fixed, but sometimes it's getting hard, especially when it keeps coming from the same sources over and over.  Some of it I can't do anything about, some of it will put me in jail if I try to stop, some of it I'm diligently and patiently trying to change, and some of it is just something I have to wait out in measured fear.

As long as there continues to be Elvis, though, I think I'm going to be okay.  God help us if there's not enough Elvis to keep all this stuff at bay....

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And then you said.....