Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Stop This Ride

History, sage pundits tell us, repeats itself.  I think this is an understatement of the situation.  I think it's something more like history is a big, garish, asinine midway with a vast, stupid, brutal carnival ride that you can't leave as the damn thing swirls you around and around, crashes you into your fellow riders, and makes you nauseous to the point of vomiting just before it ejects you, violently, bruised and bloody, onto the muddy ground.

I've been fighting certain issues and battles for more than five years now, and they simply go in circles like a silly puppy chasing its tail, but with far less power to amuse.  At what point is someone going to step forward and stop that poor animal from going 'round and 'round?   After a little while of that, doesn't it get tired of that relentless and futile pursuit?  Wouldn't time be better spent chasing something else?  Wouldn't some forward motion feel good?

Generally, I try to keep my head down and my mouth closed.  Believe me, I think it's better that way.  It isn't polite to say everything you think about a situation that irritates you.  God knows, we'd all be punching each other out in the streets if we did that.  However, this situation isn't just pushing my buttons, it's as though someone is leaning on it continuously, and I don't know if all the self-control I own is going to be sufficient to get me through it.  All the hard-won patience I've scraped and scratched for, all the times I've decided that it would be best for everyone involved if I didn't satisfy myself at the cost of a peaceful resolution, all the times I've reminded myself that it's better to only be thought a fool than to open my mouth and remove all doubt may be done.  

There comes a point when you can't sit still and quiet anymore, when the level of nonsense hits the tipping point for the scale and everything else has to be secondary to that.  It's time to get off this messed-up Tilt-O-Whirl, I think, my friends. God help us, one and all.  I'm pretty sure the gearing is going to go when I do....

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And then you said.....