Monday, August 08, 2005

Nothing to Say

Sorry about last night. There was just nothing I needed to say. I have been so tired lately that all I ever want to do is sleep.

Today was okay. The kids are starting to come out of their comatose states. Some of them are showing signs of life, anyway. The AP kids took their first reading test today. You could practically smell the desperation. Now, the desperation is on my end with the grading.

The afternoon turned into a crap fest, though. We just got an LCD projector for our department. It's going to be my little friend and live in my classroom. It's GREAT...but my classroom computer is so crappy that it won't run it. I'm going to have to figure something out for that. Maybe I can convince somebody to donate one. I am going to write some letters and see what happens.

That in and of itself was merely frustrating. The true crap began when I went to the local Sprint store to try to get a new battery for my phone. Talk about singularly unhelpful. Had they degrees in being not helpful, I don't think they could have done a better job. I waited a good 30 minutes in line only to be told that they couldn't answer any of my questions OR help me get a replacement battery. I was exceedingly pissed. I was given a phone number and dismissed so the person at the desk could continue to flirt.

I called the number on the way home, wrangled with the world's most annoying invention, the automated help line with a smarmy, unctuous voice, and almost had several wrecks before finally getting connected to the sales department. It was so bad it brought out a small church steeple in the other lane (see previous postings). It was the first steeple I'd seen in some time, but as bad as the day had turned, I was also looking over my shoulder for a tank or a load of fire hydrants.

Well, I need to get some stuff done and go to bed. Tomorrow will come early whether I'm prepared or not. Groan....

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And then you said.....