Saturday, August 06, 2005

Taking Care of the Minimum

No quote tonight.

I went to bed very early last night. I was more tired than I had realized and slept for about 12 hours. I felt rested this morning for the first time in weeks.

I spent the day cleaning up messes. I had stuff stacked everywhere, and I couldn't even see my dining table. It was full of paperwork and souvenirs from the trip. I sorted, round-filed, and stored until I had two bags of trash, a clean table, and my office reassembled and functional.

I don't know why it always takes me so long to do this stuff. I already feel better because the space doesn't scream "crap pile" every time I walk through the room. It's horrible to see a big pile of unresolved mess when you come in the door every day.

I did laundry, mowed grass, cleaned up the kitchen...basically, I did what the title says. I took care of the minimum number of things necessary to keep the house from falling in or looking like white trash lives here. There's still a lot to do, but at least I got the stuff that's several months old taken care of. ;) Off to finish cleaning....

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