Sunday, May 06, 2012

Two Songs I Probably Shouldn't Like (But I Do)

Of all the apps on my iPhone, I think I use Shazam and Instagram more than any of the others.  It's just possible that this classifies me as a hipster, something I try really hard not to think about since I really, really, really hate that term/the whole ideology of it.  I say as I'm wearing one of my clever tshirts.  Sigh.  If  all of it does, well....vaffanculo.  (I'm working on my obscenities in other languages now.  Italian and Spanish are especially satisfying for some reason.)  I am still going to enjoy it anyway.

Which brings me to my next point.

I was going through my song tags, and I found one I'd done quite awhile ago for a version of "99 Problems" by Hugo.  I listened to the clip again, and I decided that, yes, I did indeed have to have that song.  I don't remember if I tagged it while I was watching the dreadful remake of Fright Night in which it appears or one day when I (seem to) remember it being on the radio when I was in a really bad mood after a confrontation with somebody and it just seemed to FIT.  I should not like this song.  The language in it should irritate me.  But I do.  I really, really do.  And there are days when I want to put it in a giant 1980s boom box, travel to the place where whoever it is that is irritating me is (if they are of the feminine persuasion...and possibly if they are not), press play, and POINT.  "99 problems and..."  YOU'RE NOT ONE. Press stop. Walk away.  This is not exactly what the song lyrics were intended to convey, I know.  They were all "male independence, no woman is going to get me down," blah, blah, blah.  Call it literary interpretation.

When I went to download the mp3, I looked at the entire album by Hugo to see what, if anything, else might be on it that I might like.  I hadn't really heard anything by him, so I wanted to explore before I made the decision concerning getting only the single or the whole album.  As I listened to the samples, there were several that I liked, enough to get me to purchase the album, but one other stood out from all the rest.

One of the reviewers on Amazon called "Butter and Bread" "pure sex."  He wasn't kidding.  The opening lines are "She tastes like midnight/she tastes like wine/ (repeat)/gonna run my fingers all down her spine." And it just goes from there.  It's pure blues nasty, and I've got it stuck in my mind.  I love this song.  I need to find a guy who could have this attitude and keep him for blues reasons. (And if you don't know what blues reasons are, you probably shouldn't ever read my blog.  Ever.  Run.  Now.  And I'm sorry for the damage I've done you by reading this far....)  Technically, this might be another one of those songs I should eschew, but it makes me grin, and if that's wrong, well, again, I guess I'll be breaking out another one of my linguistic toys.

Maybe it's the unusual moon.  Maybe it's the end of a rough-as-sandpaper year.  Maybe it's coming off all the Topamax and waking up again.  Maybe I'm always like this. I don't know.  I guess I just currently find myself in the mood for things that are not delicate or polite.  Tomorrow, I may be back in the mode for social satire, tea, crumpets, and Jane Austen, but just now, I believe I'm more in a phase where it's going to have to be something a little less refined.

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