Sunday, June 05, 2011

Out of the Mouth of Babes

Mixed Post -- Because there are two things I want to tell you and I am too lazy to do separate posts tonight....

1)  First, I foresee a LONG, stupid day ahead of me tomorrow full of people not listening to me at the car dealership.  My car was stone dead when I went out to get in it to go to Mom and Dad's for lunch this afternoon.  I could not even get it to unlock with the keyless entry.  That's always the first delicate sign that everything has gone to crap.  The battery issue I had three weeks or so reappeared, I guess because I haven't driven anywhere in it since Wednesday and whatever is pulling the battery down has had ample time to drain it.  I really don't want to be trapped in the "customer lounge" with daytime TV, the inevitable badly behaved children, and uncomfortable chairs tomorrow, but I guess I'll charge my iPod, Kindle, and take the charger for my iPhone and make the day.  Maybe I'll have them take me over to the bookstore this time, maybe somebody will come and rescue me, or even better than any of those options, maybe they will be able to FIND THE PROBLEM THIS TIME quickly. Maybe the cute mechanic will be working tomorrow.  He's fun to talk to, and I love looking at the intricate body art he has.  

2)  One of my best friends has two little girls who are approximately 4 and 6.  They dangle off me like I am a piece of playground equipment whenever I see them, and I absolutely adore them.  The youngest actually shares my birthday.  Tonight, we had an odd church service because the power was out due to a sudden summer thunderstorm, and since the organ is currently out anyway awaiting a major repair, I sat on the pew during the service and they climbed all over me, sat on my lap, brought me toys, told me important things. 

I had seen both girls at my cousin's little girl's birthday party yesterday where everybody there had a child (except me, of course), so maybe that is where this question came from.  They'd been asking me various questions about random things from the minute I walked in, but suddenly the oldest one turned around and whispered to me in the middle of the service, "Do you have babies?"  I looked at her and said, "No, I don't."  I fought back the urge to say, "I'm sorry...."  If you'd seen her expression, you'd understand.  She just looked at me in confusion a minute, and she said, "Are you going to have babies?"   All I could come up with was, "Um...not right now..."  She looked so, so disappointed.  I felt the need to produce an infant and present it to her so as not to have failed her so profoundly as a person at that moment.  

I wanted to look over my shoulder at the older ladies of the church and see if somehow, magically, they'd put her up to it.  I wanted to bang my head very softly on the pew in front of me and laugh.   I wanted my own biological clock to stop siding with the child.  I mean how do you even answer that question?  "Yes.  Right away.  I will go out right now and get on that...."  I mean, how well does that kind of plan go over in the House of the Lord?  Sigh...

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And then you said.....