Saturday, June 11, 2011

Ready as Anybody Can Be

I met my roommate as I was going to sleep last night.  She's either a table leader or a night owl or both, so I don't know if I'll see much of her.  She seems nice, though.  This bit of living with someone for a week that you don't know is always uncertain, but it's not like college dorm assignments where they may assign you to a party girl.  That doesn't really happen here.  I was wiped out last night, and it's an hour later here, anyway, so I tried to go to bed at what would be an appropriate time for them.  I raised my head and said hello, made polite introductions when she came in, but I don't remember much after that.  She might have stayed up a long time after that.  I really couldn't tell you.

I'm anxious to see how the day goes, anxious to grade for this question.  I'm working on a different question this year, the one I've always wanted to grade, and that excites me.   I've got on my Great Gatsby shirt (it just felt appropriate to start the week with Gatsby, somehow).  In just a few minutes, I'll go downstairs, try to eat something for breakfast, and get this day going.  There is a Starbucks in the lobby, so a green tea latte is possible for me this morning, but to be honest, I slept hot last night, and I'm just not feeling it this morning.  Delightfully, just down the hall, there is a coke machine with Diet Mt. Dew in it.  I think that shall be my first stop of the morning.  Yeah.  I think this is going to be a good day.

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And then you said.....