Saturday, November 19, 2011

Things of Nothing

I've done an astonishing amount of nothing today.  Vast quantities of it.  Heaping piles of it.  It has been a happy blend of dogs, couches, crocheted afghans, and televised costume melodrama.

Crazy, brilliant, blue-eyed, deeply-tormented, and carrying a sword.  Yeah.  You know that sounds like something I'd like..  O_o
Mostly, I've been immersed in the Roku.  I watched most of a series called Borgia and now I'm getting into Camelot.  What can I tell you?  I'm a sucker for a period drama.  Blame it on the pretty people.   No, really, though.  The guy playing Cesare in the Borgias was sort of...hypnotically gorgeous.  You can see him over to the right (or wherever the photo actually appears for you) as he finishes up a season-long bout of soul torturing and sort of says forget it, kills a bunch of people, and has a bit of what I call an "I AM BEOWULF" moment in the middle of the papal audience chamber.  He's quite mad and quite lovely.  I have to say that like Henry Cavill as Charles Brandon in The Tudors, a great deal of the reason I kept watching was for the pretty smart man with the blue eyes....  Tragically, I am almost always drawn to the monsters and the psychos.  Sigh. (Well, Brandon wasn't one.  Don't look so grumpy pretty Charles.  I'm sorry.  I'm sorry.)

Pretty man is puzzled by his own prettiness....
Anyway, I needed the rest and pure facetiousness of today.  It's been a real backside-kicker of a week, and I just wanted some distraction.  So far, so good, I guess.  In the absence of any sort of actual international travel, it's as much escapism as I'm going to get.

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