Friday, December 30, 2011

Thinking (Badly)

I've a bit of a migraine, so this may not flow well.  All day long, I've been trying to fight it off, and the world has been fuzzy.  As I was going to Jackson to see my best friend, I heard Pink Floyd's "Comfortably Numb" on the radio and I laughed.  Yeah.  Appropriate song was appropriate today.

Anyway.  I'll be keeping this short.  Besides, Shaun of the Dead is on, and that's about where my brain is at right now.

I decided (quite wisely, I think) not to try to install my new internal memory although it came today or perform the transition of the external hard drives.  I shudder to think what sort of crapped up mess that would have resulted in.  Hopefully tomorrow, this little ache and all the fog will be gone.  Maybe this won't be a three-day headache.  That will give me some New Year's Eve plans anyway, since I never have any.

I found something the rest of the universe has probably known about forever tonight (IFTTT) and got it set up. I only need about four recipes from it, but I like the concept.  It's a nice way to tailor the e-universe and connect all the separate services one uses together.  I like things that do that.

I also installed the new FB Messenger standalone today.  This means that I will be "on" FB Messenger all the time whenever I have it running but I don't have to dedicate an open tab to FB unless I just want to.  Since it seems that I use FB Messenger more than email to talk to my friends and family, this solution works for me.  If I don't actually happen to be at the computer, it will just archive the convo as usual, and I'll get to it.  I've already used the interface, and it's okay.  It's a no-frills sort of thing, exactly what it says on the tin.

When I got back home from Jackson, I watched MSU play football, and it went surprisingly well for them.  They managed not to choke.  I was rather astonished.  They did try.  They threw the ball to the other team and made shocking fouls.  However, they got far enough ahead to win it.  Plus, they weren't playing another SEC team.

Well, it occurs to me that it's 10:30 and I never ate anything tonight.  (This is bad.  The Topamax will wreck me, not that I'll be able to tell much right now...  It might be AWESOME.  Maybe I should try it?)  I think I'll go microwave a Hot Pocket or something and enjoy the zombies for a little while.  Oh WOW, my exciting life.....

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And then you said.....