Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Gypsy Feet

Even though I'm back in the school-year swing, I'm restless.  I need to go somewhere, do something.  I wanted to go out with the Nikon this past weekend, but I thought someone was going to come and take a look at Chewie, the puppy that was thrown out on me last Thursday, to see if they wanted to adopt him, and so I was sort of trapped here all day.

Chewie continues to live here on the hill.  I'm taking him to the vet later today to start him on his shots and so forth.  He's a sweet little thing, a little less than fully healthy, I think, but our vet is amazing, so I know he'll be right as rain soon enough, and we'll find him a family who can keep him.  He just can't stay here.  I have more mammal than I can manage as it is...

I wish I knew of more places to go to take pictures that qualified as "day trips."  It's getting to the point that most of the things I think of that I'd like to shoot involve overnight stays.  I can't really afford that, and it seems a bit silly when really and truly what I'm doing is not shopping, dining in exotic restaurants, etc.  I am literally driving, getting out, taking a bunch of pictures, hanging out a bit, maybe grabbing a bite to eat, and leaving for another site.  The photography, the seeing of it, is the thing.  I guess that's a bizarre sort of travel, but when I get like this, it's what I want to do.

It's been suggested that Birmingham would be a good place to go, and maybe that's where I should aim for next.  I don't really know much about it except for the fast driving, though.  I haven't been back to Tuscaloosa's Moundville in YEARS, not since that last disastrous trip with D. (Good frakkin grief.  How many places in my life do I have to label that way?)  So yeah.  Maybe I should go back there, if for no other reason than to have a memory other than those blue eyes, that little smirk and those painful moments over by the picnic tables as he sort of jumped up and down on my heart...yet again.... I'm also told there might be some good stuff to shoot over around Clinton if I can ever find any of it.

I just need to make some quick escapes for myself.  Exit doors for my gypsy feet to run through, if you will.   If I can do that, I might not have to take the big escape over the river bridge and into Louisiana and parts west that I sometimes contemplate late in the evening on rough afternoons.

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And then you said.....