Saturday, August 06, 2011


It happened about a week ago.  I was minding my own business, and I sort of looked up and there he was.  He looked up and....wham.  I thought, "Oh my.  That is a good-looking guy."  I kept doing what I was doing (walking without falling down), but I also kept looking.  Then I remembered that this is not polite, and I looked away.

But I kept running into him.  Every time, that little voice in my head would say, "Yep.  Yep-yep-yep-yep-yep.  Uh-huh.  Uh-huh,"  just like those martians on Sesame Street used to do.  (Remember them?  The ones that used to freak out when the phone rang?  Yeah....)

I had a chance to talk to him briefly yesterday, just a quick conversation, but he's interesting, easy to talk to, that rare thing.  I know almost nothing about him other than that he is lovely to look at in a completely geekilicious way, tall as I am, educated in an unusual way.  For all I know, he has an apple-cheeked wife and fifteen happy children at home.  I assume I will find out in time as I will continue to run in to him on a fairly regular basis.

I just know that instant hyper-awareness is exceedingly rare for me.  That snap hasn't happened since J. moved to Florida, and before that, well, there was T.....

It's hard to believe anything will come from this.  It's just nice that there was someone to notice.  It certainly ought to be entertaining.  I don't think somebody as frankly skittish as I am when it comes to men will wind up with anything else, but a little entertainment is always a good thing.

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And then you said.....