Monday, August 15, 2011

More Better(er)

I just wanted to do that to set your teeth on edge.  Sorry.  It crossed my mind, and I couldn't resist.

Today was a fair day despite a general lack of sleep last night.  I stayed up too late watching TV (curse you, Roku...okay, not literally.  I really love that thing...), had bizarre, TV-induced dreams, and woke up feeling a little less than rested.

The new school year continues to plod along.  I'm finding a rhythm with most classes.  There's a curious sense of isolation this year that's new.  I just try to keep my head down, do my job, and not worry about it.  Laugh, clown, laugh, right?

I'm feeling much better after the recent bout of migrainage.  Whatever internal or external trigger was moving through is done, and I am grateful.  The chaining ones like those were are terrible, especially when they linger, hovering just around the edges of perception to make me miserable.  Either I take a Maxalt and cannot function or I am in pain and it's pretty much the same situation.  Catch-22, indeed.

Well, I'm off to Dollar Tree, loved by teachers everywhere, to get some prizes for tomorrow's AP essay activity.  I have a date with the Roku or maybe even my Kindle later tonight.  Woo-woo!  My social calendar is just BURGEONING with excitement....

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And then you said.....