Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I've had this poster since grad school, part of the decor of my living room.  I've begun to notice something sort of prophetic about it, though....  Except for the black and white spotted cat on her shoulder, this is me.  I have this menagerie currently living at my house.

Stay with me now....

The black cat with the devil eyes is Yoda, Queen of All She Surveys, Destroyer of All that Pisses Her Off.  Except for the tail, it is a very good likeness.  Behind her is grey Pearl looking grumpy because Yoda is getting attention.  To the back of the grouping is young Dillon, sitting where the others have sort of shoved her.

Down on the floor, you have Yelldo the beagle/dachshund  and Roux the brown dog.  I suppose that big white monster shoving them both out of the way is Chewie or rather Future Chewie when he gets his size on him.

I suppose this needs to have my name instead of Cheron.  Maybe I should have become a vet instead of a teacher.  It sure would have saved on the upkeep around here.

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And then you said.....