Monday, January 23, 2012

Dog Damage and Other Joys

Something I was dreading today didn't happen.  It threatened and worried me for days, and then, inexplicably, it blew away like the last of the bad weather this morning.  I have no idea, and I am not going to worry about the whys.  I'm just going to be grateful for it and go on.  Tomorrow, it may be back....

Some of my students were hilarious today.  I had a "buzzard" impression from a kid with three cups of coffee in him that is still making me laugh.  It was a good day when I wasn't expecting one at all, the best of all possible kinds of good days.  It was the kind of good day that makes certain decisions I've been struggling with recently even more painful.

I finished up a set of papers after school, and I decided that I would, at long last, go get my Strawberry Cheesequake from Dairy Queen.  I have been craving one of those things for over a month, and after all the drama of the past few days, I felt entitled.  It was fantastic.  Not even the massive mobile home blocking the entire interstate could irritate me as I drove home (albeit slowly) with the Cheesequake and some very loud music.

When I got home, I found the remnants of a shredded Amazon envelope in my yard and some pieces of a book cover.  I knew exactly what had happened.  The book had been Chewie-ized.  UPS had not followed my instructions about putting things in a place where he can't get them.  I called them, and they very kindly are going to replace it.  I will, then, get a copy of Tomas Transtromer's The Great Enigma.  It just will be a little later than I had planned on.  Hopefully, the next time it comes to my house, it won't be something Chewie edifies himself with.

Now, I'm watching the restored Metropolis.  I don't know if I'll make it all the way thorough it since it is so long, but it's such a fantastic film, and i'm getting ready to start teaching dystopia, so it just seemed right.  If you've never seen it, it's out there in streaming digital land.  Make sure you get the restored version and watch it at least once.  I think everybody should see it at least once.  It is just so visually amazing if nothing else.  The scene with the "Shift Change" was just on, and I always identify with the people shuffling on and off the elevators, head down...

I may finish tonight up by staying up until midnight so I can download a new album I want.  I know that's a little silly.  It will be there when I wake up tomorrow, but I have been sort of looking forward to it since I found out about it a couple of days ago, and I would like to get it as soon as I can.  Isn't that ridiculous?  It isn't like I can listen to it a hundred times tonight.  However....  I very well may do it anyway.  Sometimes the things that don't make any sense at all are inexplicably the most fun.

Well, Metropolis is getting involved, so I'm turning my eyes to the screen.  I hope tomorrow is as good as today.  That would be wonderful.

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And then you said.....