Monday, January 16, 2012


"Your life may have a surreal quality to it now..."  ~ Daily Twittascope for Aquarius, 1/16/12

Well, who knows what the rest of it said because I didn't open it up and read it, but this part of it, at least, was dead-on.  Today has been odd.  I sort of feel like I am trapped in a de Chirico painting.  Everything is put together just a little wrong, all the angles are wrong, and there is always something lurking in the wings that hides if I try to look at it straight.

I slept really late for me (8:30), and when I took the dogs out for their morning romp, I heard something rustling in the edges of the woods.  I remember thinking foggily had a unicorn stepped out of the woods, it would have just fit my mental state perfectly.  Of course, my luck does not tend to gravitate toward unicorns.  Usually, if I get surprises, they tend to be more of the killer slasher beast variety....

There has been this oddest and totally inexplicable sense of the world being shifted just slightly to the left today for no good reason that I can come up with, almost like it was holding its breath and waiting for something auspicious to happen.  I can't tell you why.  There is nothing auspicious that I know of that can happen to me.  Maybe it's that my routine is thoroughly fried.  Maybe it's the Murakami I'm reading.  Maybe if I'd read the rest of the Twittascope, it could have told me, and the answer was in some mystical conjunction of the spheres (ha).  

Tomorrow will probably take care of it with the crushing return of routine and all its accompanying joys.  Right now, though, I'm just going to keep reading, listening to Billie and Ella, and go with it.  Who knows?  Maybe there is a unicorn in the woods after all.  I'll keep my eye out and let you know.

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And then you said.....