Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Are You the Kind of Person...

...That You Would Want to Spend the Rest of Your Life Around?

This was a bellringer topic in my classroom today.  There were all sorts of answers given.  Then the students asked me for mine.  Would I want to spend the rest of my life around me?

I had already been turning the question over in my head, so I had a bit of an answer to give them.  Based upon my friendships, I guess...  Probably not.  My friends tend to be so different from me.  There is some overlap.  I guess I could use a Venn Diagram (oh God, geek much?  teacher much?) to show it.  There is similarity, but there is nobody that I can point to and say, "S/he is just like me."   The people I am closest to are farthest away from me, usually.  We complement each other.

But when I really look at that statement, perhaps I should say they are far away in certain directions.  There are some areas I do not gravitate toward.  I don't have those aspects in my own makeup, either.  Maybe I need a third circle on my diagram for that.  Or not.  Maybe I'm just overthinking this whole thing.

And maybe if I keep it up, nobody will want to hang around me.


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And then you said.....