Friday, April 27, 2012

When Life Is Like a Country Song....

Lied to, cheated, and generally messed around.  By multiple individuals.  Yeah.  That pretty much sums up the week I've had.

Forget this noise.

What hurts the most, I think is that one of the people involved in writing the lyrics of this week, if you will, to stretch the metaphor, is somebody that I was truly fond of and respected.  Now what the hell am I supposed to do with that?  Oh, I am quite sure, based upon the behavior involved, that it does not matter on the other side of the equation.  What do I do with my own disillusionment?  How can I continue to look that person in the eyes now that faith has been broken?  Most especially since I know it does NOT matter on the other side of the equation?

It's not just happening in my little universe, either.  The things I see people doing to each other all around me are insane.  It's like somebody turned a psych ward out and all the crazy people are loose and ravening for blood. (So maybe this is a Pink Floyd song instead....)  In both my professional and my private settings, there are horror stories of actions that have made me sit and stare or laugh incredulously because what else can you do?  Cry maybe?  It's happening everywhere.  Everywhere.

 The vast majority of individuals seem to think that as long as they want to do it and nobody is there to stop them from it forcibly, it's fine-and-jim-dandy to proceed with any action whatsoever. The only rule to be respected is rule of brute force.  "If you can't make me NOT do it, then get out of my way."  Shakespeare might have said it as, "The weakest go to the wall."

What gives people the idea that they have the right to be utterly horrible as if it is some sort of birthright? If somebody treated them with half the disdain, half the lack of respect and basic kindness ONCE that they casually dish out on a regular basis, they would fold up like wet paper dolls and disappear. They would run crying to mama, scream of injustice to the heavens, expect better treatment immediately.

By God, if you expect to get it yourself, you should give it in return.  In fact, step out and offer it first.    Otherwise, when the insanity comes around hunting for its little taste of you, and it will, oh, it will, do not be surprised when hands are not lifted to soothe or save.  Life has teeth and claws and applies them indiscriminately.  If we don't all hold each other up, help each other bandage the wounds it leaves, none of us have a chance.

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And then you said.....